Veeka graduates from high school; a major milestone for her
Olivia V. Duin has a great month with several triumphs including her graduation from Issaquah High School.
January Light
Today is the first of 2023; a profusion of what I call “January light” here in the semi-dark Pacific Northwest. It’s the cerulean-blue skies washed with the rain that drenches these parts and whose drops hang glimmering on the evergreen landscape.
The search for Adoration
A reporter takes a tour of Pacific Northwest Catholic churches to see if any offer decent space for Adoration.
What I learned about Greenland (in 7 days)
Flying Air Greenland - the planes are red because the country flag’s colors are white and red.
Slogging through Covid
In which I catch folks up with what happened to me from mid-2019 to mid-2020.